Read the rest HERE:
Friday, December 31, 2010
2011 - The year of truth about Islam
Read the rest HERE:
10 goals for this Canadian in 2011
This means not supporting the Canadian Red Cross, as they continue to fund and train Taliban terrorists who are trying to kill our soldiers.
9. Stop muslim immigration – and stop all immigration from islamic-run countries.
Islam, in its radical form, is simply incompatible with Western liberal democracy. Sorting the Muslim sheep from the Islamic goats is a process far too complicated to be undertaken on a mass scale. So, for the moment, it makes sense to say that no one from the cesspools of Islamic thought should be allowed into Canada. There are plenty of deserving, terror-phobic, potential immigrants who would be more than happy to take those places opened by a ban on Islamic immigration.
8. Support development of the Alberta Oilsands – let’s quadruple production.
The most ‘Ethical Oil’ on the planet, and the engine of Alberta’s economic recovery.
7. Stop the various so-called Canadian Human Rights Commissions – that includes working to get their selective-pandering mausoleum in Winnipeg cancelled and sold to a private investor.
6. Be a good neighbor – spend time getting to know and helping my neighbors.
Time spent working locally as a volunteer is an investment in self.
5. Communicate effectively with my elected officials – at the same time, working to reduce the government footprint in my life.
Writing letters, commenting on news stories and maintaining my blog!
4. Support Israel – and Israeli goods - Divest This!
Every time there’s a boycott of Israeli goods, I’ll be there supporting the opposing Buy-cott!
3. Counter-protest any pali-parade - If one of ‘em gets in my face, I’ll be ready.
How effective are counter protests? If the Jew haters & Pali’s want to march again in Calgary, I’ve got my sign ready. . … Maybe a trip to NYC to protest the Ground Zero mosque in 2011.
2. Spend more time with my wife and kids – Supporting them and loving them.
1. Prepare for things to get better in 2011 – also, prepare for things to get worse.
Keep abreast of developments in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and the World. Read some good books, watch less TV, get outside and ride my bike more often! Travel Canada in the summer!
Happy New Year - to all the bloggers who've been my inspiration and support this year!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Pat Condell on islam & human rights
Here's his latest; summing up the travesty of having the new u.n. agency for women staffed mostly by islamic countries.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Ezra Levant - Speaking on Ethical Oil at SIFE
Ezra presented his four liberal criteria from his latest book 'Ethical Oil' for judging the oilsands, and then asked the question, "If not Alberta Oilsands oil, then what? What's in your gas tank?" He makes a valid point. Country of origin labelling is available on many consumer items, and while you might be impressed with a Canadian beef label, you'd be less thrilled to buy goods with 'Chinese baby food' or 'Saudi terror-funding gasoline' labels.
York University - Anti-Semite Education for You!
By threatening to sue those who point out these facts, York University and their Prez, Mamdouche (Ahmadinejad) Shoukri prove themselves to be deluded islamo-leftists! Congratulations to the students and staff at York U!
Monday, November 15, 2010
It's not easy being the TRUTH.

Students Union / University of Western Ontario decided that on Remembrance Day, rather than honor the fallen, they'd sing 'Imagine' by John Lennon and have white poppies that symbolize 'peace without war', rather than the traditional red poppies because they 'glorify violence'.
Jennifer Lynch / Canadian Human Rights-Abuse Commission was discovered to have spent $167.000 spinning the media while persecuting Macleans magazine and Mark Steyn for hate speech. That's hiring liars with your money, to tell you lies, that further her goals of social manipulation and control of your life.
Charlene Hay / Center for Race and Culture accuses all white folk of racism, and demands that we either acknowledge our 'white privilege' or be found guilty of the crime of perpetuating racism, sentence being that you will be called a 'racist!' loudly and repeatedly until changing your mind and doing as you were told.
Amarjeet Sohi / Racism Free Edmonton jumped on the 'white privilege' bandwagon, and their embarrassing backpedalling and efforts to disappear parts of their website down the internet memory hole were a fine example of the truth being manipulated, scorned and then hidden.
The United Nations / Russian, Iran, China etc now say they want to control the internet. What could go wrong when a group whose membership mostly do not fall into the 'democratic, free economy nation' category decide they want to limit the last place where you can publish they truth?
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sarah Palin's Alaska! Starts Sunday on TLC

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Heritage of the Great War

Racism Free Edmonton campaign takes a direct hit
That’s right: the Government of Canada is endorsing and promoting radical 1960s Maoism. Ordinary Canadians are being strongly encouraged to “accuse” themselves of “racism” — in the manner of the Weather Underground radicals who met regularly to “confess” their “bourgeois tendencies” for, say, not wanting to sleep with some guy in the group.
Flander's Fields
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Racism Free Edmonton
Acknowledge your 'white privilege'.
Racism Free Edmonton has made multiple efforts since Monday Nov 8 to erase all trace of the above page, and even issued a backhanded and insulting apology for it's contents.
Here's another tip from the race obsessed bigots in Edmonton. Parents - Hang pictures of strangers in your home.
•Visuals. The pictures and other visual representations in our homes should truly be multiracial. Children learn a lot from what they see in their home environment.
On the left is a picture of one of my 'multi-racial' heros.
In Pakistan they're planning to execute a young Christian woman for the crime of blasphemy, how superior is that?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Adding and Subtracting my Privilege

I've never thought of myself as a racist. Silly me. Being white is now apparently a hate crime!
When I was a kid, I loved the TV show Star Trek, where it didn't matter if you were green or had pointy ears or could walk through walls, as long as you were part of 'The Federation', you got along fine with everybody. Only those who were greedy, mean, rude or homicidal didn't belong, and I really can't remember if they were brown, pink, blue . ... or just had really big heads.
I don't recall Kirk having to atone for his 'white privilege', he was Captain of the Enterprise because he was the very best they had. Now, there are people who want me to believe that James T. Kirk was only Captain because he was white. Here's a white fella named Tim Wise, giving a lecture on 'The Pathology of White Privilege'. You can watch and judge your own guilt like the uncomfortable white people he's lecturing.
Put yer dukes up, I'm going to battle over the color of my skin. You see, I'm white. Yes, sad but true I'm discovering that the color of my skin is something I'm supposed to be ashamed of. Racism Free Edmonton now wants me to acknowledge my 'white privilege'. I guess that means I'm required now to do some sort of 'white shadow boxing'. They then go several steps further, asking me to make commitments to helping stop this racism that I'm the apparent proximal cause of.
This writers' experience mirrors my own growing up in Calgary in the 60's & 70's. William Belle grew up in a place very much like Calgary. Insular, mono-ethnic, safe, and mostly white. He couldn't help it either, like me, he was just a kid. Like me, his finds it unnerving, abhorent and wholly unacceptable that anyone would judge someone else by the color of their skin.
We see on a daily basis people around the world hating and killing each other because of the way they look, how they act and what they believe in. Some of these fights don't involve any white people at all. Hutus' and Tutsis' hate and kill each other, Serbs and Croats, Sunni and Shiite, Russians and Georgians, gays and straights, muslims and christians . . ... I could go on and on.
So where does this 'white privilege bullshit' come from? I mean, I could be as embarrassed as any other white guy with a job when I see some mullet wearing, tobacco chewing, dog kicking, old piece-of-shit-driving redneck heading on down the street with a hooker and a case of pilsner. But I don't take it personally, 'cause that ain't me. Except for the 'white privilege' part.
If I was to add up all my talents and privileges, and then subtract all my faults and handicaps, I'd probable come out on the plus side of whatever scale we were using. I admit it. Lucky as I was to be born in Canada, that alone would put me far ahead of the rest of the world.
But what exactly are we trying to achieve here? What possible difference is it going to make by these exaggerated efforts to make everything that's really important fair? Who's going to decide in the end when we've achieved this utopian fairness and equality? That guy (or gal) who makes the final decision is probably going to be thought of as a real asshole, by somebody, somewhere, who still doesn't think it's fair.
Alykhan Velshi, director of communications for immigration minister Jason Kenney has denounced the language of 'white privilege' as "jejune, sophomoric, retro class warfare." This fight ain't over, but I sure hope Canada's taxpayer funding for this 'racism free' campaign soon will be.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Why would Senator Salma Ataullahjan . . ...

BCF has his claws into this one, and I've written Senator Ataullahjan's office as well to ask just what her intentions are in future interactions with this notoriously subversive group of students.
This meeting was held in the House of Commons the very same day MP Rick Norlock stood up in Question Period and slammed the Liberals for supporting Zijad Delic.
The RCMP were just censured for being involved with this 'imam', so how does an (admittedly new) Conservative Senator appointed by Stephen Harper justify going to this meeting? What possible reason could there be to have it in the House of Commons?
Possible Reason 1.
Senator Salma is a terrorist sympathiser and supporter of sharia law.
Possible Reason 2.
Senator Salma received threats against her property, herself or her family if she didn't attend.
Possible Reason 3.
Senator Salma is a clueless moonbat muslim sympathiser who will do anything to keep her 'South Asian Power Base' intact.
Possible Reason 4.
Senator Salma was sent to the meeting, and in fact was appointed a Senator as part of a long range plan by a coalition of Conservatives and Tea Party members to infiltrate and destroy the Muslim Brotherhood and stop the Ground Zero Mosque.
Ezra Levant debates Andrew Nikiforuk

For a lively discussion on the merits and dangers of developing Alberta's oil sands, come to the Plaza Theatre for a debate between Ezra Levant and Andrew Nikiforuk.
Levant, author of "Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada's Oil Sands" will argue that the ethical cost of buying cheap oil from corrupt regimes is far too high. He feels that oil from a democratic state is an asset to world peace and stability. In contrast, Nikiforuk argues in his book, "Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent," that the environmental cost of developing Canada's oil sands will irreparably harm our environment. Nikiforuk would like an immediate moratorium on oil sands development.
The event takes place on Sunday, November 7 at 11:00AM (doors open at 10:30). General admission is $5.00. Admission plus Levant's hardcover book is $30.00.
Two of Andrews' previous books which I very much enjoyed and can recommend:

Friday, November 5, 2010
Olber-douche suspended from MSNBC

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Steyn, Thompson & Dean in Calgary
- You can read Dr J & Mr K's excellent summary of the event here.

Senator Fred Thompson:
Senior Statesman - reminded us that while he's no longer forced to come up with all the answers, he can speak candidly about how not very much is going to change in Washington, now if ever. New House and Congress members "fought hard to get there, and aren't going to risk everything by making mistakes that could be misinterpreted in their first year in office." He stabbed at the Democrats early and often, pointing out how clear it is that despite the election results, Howard Dean still 'doesn't get it'.
In a rambling and passionate address at the end of the session, he wondered aloud just how bad things are going to have to get. "Are we going to have to hit bottom?", he said, before Americans wake up to the fact that their current levels of government spending are unsustainable. Sen Thompson reminded us that 10% of Americans pay over 75% of all taxes collected by government, and said, "Under the current system, both LeBron James and his barber are considered 'wealthy' in America by the IRS".

Shameless Shill - for the Democratic party, unrepentant self aggrandizing political 'lifer'. Sideswiped the crowd and drove off with lines like, 'There are certainly some racists is the Tea Party Movement, but of course not all Tea Partiers are racists'. Opined that raising taxes and a return to 'the time of President Clinton' would be a wonderful thing. More than once I could only shake my head at what was coming out of Gov. Deans mouth, and afterwards questioned why I and others were so polite not to stand up and Boo loudly at those moments. Oh yeah, I'm Canadian, and he is after all, a guest in our country. Geeez, I still wish I had'a booed!

Scimitar-style Speaker - moderated with charm, wit and impeccable timing. Mark briefly regaled the crowd with stories of his run-ins with the HRC's (Humorless Rights Commissions), including his comparison of 'America Alone' with hand-signals under a bathroom stall (Classic!) and had both the crowd and Messrs Thompson and Dean laughing until the tears came.
Sharing the stage with these two powerful opposing speakers, Mark was entertaining and unfailingly polite, at the same time controlling the discussion and allowing both guests to complete their lectures and responses. Mark gave appropriate respect to Gov Dean, balanced with responses like, "The grandchildren of those who came through Ellis Island now live is chi-chi condos and support an enormous government that prevents anyone who now comes through Ellis Island from enjoying that same success!"
Both Steyn and Thompson share what Thomas Sowell called the 'Tragic Vision', while it was never clearer than last night that Howard Dean believes his 'Vision of the Anointed' is the path the Democrats want Americans to follow. Any 'olive branch' accepted by the Republicans during the next two years would be, in the opinion of many folks including myself, an absolute disaster.
I wish the evening had been twice as long, and I wish I'd been able to rub elbows in the VIP reception, but alas, I was not on the 'vetted list'. It was great seeing Ezra Levant and his lovely wife Irena again, and meeting Andrew, Ari and Ryan from Strictly Right who live blogged the event. All in all, a fantastic evening that ended back in the speak-easy with drinks and lively discussion!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
You'd have to be crazy to go to this rally.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Who's afraid of Richard Warman?

Call BCF the 'canary in the coal mine' or 'a flashing beacon on the road to hell' or anything else you want, please support his battle. It's really a fight for all of us. Details on making a donation can be found here.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Harper 't Gov't on a roll

Yesterday the gov't laid out a series of reforms it said would go after "ruthless profiteers" who coordinate illegal people-smuggling operations and asylum seekers who "jump the immigration queue."

Ezra Levant joins Sun News team

No Sharia in Oklahoma - EVER.

Warsaw Ghetto 1945 = Gaza Strip 2010?

DO take the magazine up the cashier, open it to the appropriate page and tell the clerk or the owner that “this is antisemitic and shameful,” and walk away.
DO NOT damage the magazine in any way (damaging property is illegal) and DO NOT tell the owner to remove the magazine from the store’s shelves (while this material does not likely breach Canada’s hate laws, Canadians have the right to call it antisemitic and reprehensible).
Substitute this nun for 9 year old Aisha

ZOO Weekly was labelled "disgusting" by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney after a five-page "St Mary Mac and her holy rack" spread which featured a busty model wearing a nun's habit and halo.
A dwarf, dressed as the Pope, is also pictured "blessing" her and her "heavenly hooters".

Liars All?
When you can't trust the bureaucrats to have any courage.
When you can't trust the media to be accountable.
When you can't trust the courts to protect society.
When you can't trust teachers to tell your kids the truth.
When you can't even trust the church to do the right thing.
It's not a good time to support a gun registry.
Why Allan West?

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Muslim Weasel Words

Megan Kelly asks CAIR:
"Are you happy now?"
I understand why they keep inviting the weasel Hooper to speak but geeez . . ... pass the gravol.
For a little historical perspective on the slagging Juan Williams has had to put up with over the years, you can read this: Why I called Juan Williams a “Happy Negro” on CNN – And why He and Bill O’Reilly Are Not Happy About it. - By Dr. Boyce D. Watkins - 10/23/07 - warning: double up on the gravol.
Meanwhile, in London, Ontario:
Mark Steyn's speaking engagement has been cancelled.
Some reports are that it was pressure from local 'islamic groups', although those charges are so far denied by the LCC representative.
At what point in the near future will your local islamic council be telling you what to do?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Calgary's new Mayor - Naheed Nenshi

From the sify news in India, to the London Mosque newsletter.
From the front page of The Ismaili to Qalam, Nenshi is big news in the muslim world.
The one place it seems, where Naheed (pronounced na-head) is today NOT known primarily as a muslim is here in Calgary.
As Licia Corbella so eloquently points out in her column today, "Albertans are among the most egalitarian, colour-blind, fair-minded people in the country, if not the world. For some reason, (that's) a well-kept secret."
Kevin Libin backs that up in his column in the National Post yesterday, "Race played no part in Nenshi win. During Mr. Nenshi’s five-month drive to the mayor’s chair, which catapulted him from a feeble 8% popularity just one month ago, the subject of his Ismaili heritage and his chestnut hue was scarcely mentioned."
Nenshi himself downplayed his muslim faith, saying "This has not been an issue in the election". Even early on when someone tossed a brick through the window of his campaign headquarters, there was a brief discussion that the incident could be race related, but it was quickly forgotten by Calgarians. We're way past that!
So who is this new Mayor? That's the most interesting question, as only 6 months ago no one had ever heard of him. His two closest rivals in the race both had many, many years of public 'face & name' exposure. It was literally inconceivable at the beginning of this race that he was a contender.
For a closer look at who Nenshi is, as described by his sister Shaheen, watch this short video. For an example of how articulate, intelligent and downright 'red-neck' likeable this guy is, watch him interviewed by a professional reporter here, and in front of a group of undecided voters in a local watering hole here. At the 45:40 mark Naheed discusses briefly his muslim faith, and then expresses his support for the gay pride parade. He compares the parade with the Good Friday 'stations of the cross' parade . . . ... I'll comment more on that another time, but the impression I get is that he's going to be a very secular leader. My Mom even asked me if he's gay, and I told her I didn't care. That's his personal business, and while it would of course affect his world view, it should no more be an issue than his faith in our secular democracy.
So where does Nenshi stand in regard to his 'faith'? As anyone who reads my blog can see, I have no use for islam. I believe it is the single most dangerous issue facing western culture, and it's national leaders world wide are almost all violent, mysoginist retards. There, is that 'red-neck' enough for you?
The ismaili bunch, led by the Aga Khan, seem to be the most overtly peaceful. However as usual, they believe the Qur'an has several layers of meaning, and they generally divide those types of meanings into the following two: the apparent (zahir) meaning and the hidden (batin) meaning. While a 'believer' can understand the batin meaning to some extent, the ultimate interpretation lies in the office of the Imāmate.
The Imām's farmans (teachings) are binding upon the community. In this way, the Ismāʿīlī community can adapt to new times and new places. Oftentimes, the Imam of the Time is known as the "Qur'an e Naatiq" (the "speaking Qur'an"), meaning that he reinterprets the literary text in a way that can be understood for today's times. This is probably the source of the joke, "If islam really teaches that it is a peaceful religion, why are so many it's students flunking the course?" It's the Imam, silly. But we don't even know how often Nenshi attends mosque, if he ever does.
So all in all, I can say I'm happy with the choice that Calgary made, in a democratic, non-violent election that saw over 50% of the civic population cast a ballot. Over 50% voter turnout. This election was clearly important to a lot of people, and the lines at the over 270 polling stations often extended around the block. The fact that his 'muslim-ish-ness' didn't become an issue until after the election is probably more an acknowledgement by Nenshi himself that his 'faith' isn't all that important to him. I actually have some sympathy for him, as he'll probably have some of our more radical imams here in town trying to ingratiate themselves shortly. I hope he sends them packing.
That's the kind of muslim I can live with as Mayor.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Opposing a mosque
Thomas E. Perez, U.S. Asst Attorney General said local officials have an obligation to treat a mosque the same as a church or synagogue. "It is required by federal law.'', says Perez.
Perez and Jerry E. Martin, the top federal prosecutor in central Tennessee, noted that their decision to intervene comes on the 10th anniversary of a federal law which bars local officials from using zoning or land-use laws to discriminate against religious groups.
Since 2000, the DOJ has opened 51 such investigations, filed seven lawsuits and joined in 40 privately filed suits.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Multi-cultural-ism = FAIL
Whatever. Anyone who leads with the 'racist' argument isn't interested in real dialogue. Berlin, Germany (CNN) — "Multiculturalism in Germany has “absolutely failed”, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told her party’s youth wing at a conference Saturday.
**UPDATE - Meet some of the benefactors of the Canadian Multi-cult.
Australian U.N. 'Youth Representative'

Who Represents our Youth? Samah Hadid, Australia’s representative to the United Nations Youth Association for 2010
Al Age’s Good Weekend September 18th featured a youth issue, which included an article about the Aussie 2010 Australian Youth Representative to the UN.
Let’s hear more about Samah Hadid: a 22 year old human rights advocate from Bankstown, Sydney’s West, she is completing her Masters in Human Rights Law and Policy at the University of New South Wales, and in her spare time is a performance artist writing a play called The Burqa Monologues.
This busy lass is the Youth Representative on the Australian National Commission for UNESCO and a member of Amnesty International’s Diversity Steering Committee.
Samah co-wrote an article about the burqa in which she claimed Muslim women’s rights were being sacrificed to score cheap political points:
It seems a prerequisite for selection is promoting global citizenship, just like the UN does. Personally, I would hope our youngsters would support democracy rather than a One World Government. (Australian Islamist Monitor)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Blazing Cat Fur: Imam Zijab Delic Defenders Dissed Decisively
David B. Harris of INSIGNIS Strategic Research delivers!
2/3 of Canadians think their neighbors are idiots
Right, right . ... the poll. Watching the Liberals and NDP flipitty-flop on the vote to either keep, ban, or just paint all guns pink was the best part. That darn Harper, you just know he's going to point out to the voters what a bunch of dithering sissies they were in the next election. It's like the Layton crowd was pulling petals off a daisy - "I like guns . ... They scare me . ... I like guns . ... They scare me . ..."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Tarek Fatah - the only muslim spokesman who makes any sense

Tarak Fatah says what's missing from the muslim culture is a sense of humor. Speaking of Mollie Norris, who started the whole 'draw mohammed day controversy, he said, "I was facebook friends with Ms Norris, it is very sad what happened to her." Adding this to what I knew of Mr Fatah from his books, blog and CTV interviews with a CAIR representative, I can say that I found him quite likeable.
-Muslim bomber will be sentenced for trying to blow up Times Square,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Common Sense from the CBC
Monday, September 13, 2010
Bonfire of the Insanities
(This is where liberals stop reading and have a seizure, "Ann Coulter! Zzzap! Sputter, drool....)
Burning the koran is a nasty thing to do.
But so what?
So is changing lanes without signalling, and then giving the finger to whoever you cut in front of. Anchovies on toast is nasty. Putting a Cross in a jar of a piss is really nasty.
Gen David Petraeus' getting involved by saying that burning the koran will just recruit more jihadi's isn't nasty . ... it's insane. He may be correct, but again, so what?
As Ann Coulter says; "If the general's main objective is to hamper jihadist recruiting, may I respectfully suggest unconditional surrender? Because on his theory, you know what would really kill the terrorists' recruiting ability? If we adopted Sharia law!"
Take a look at these idiots on the news, rioting and burning cars - you don't need much more evidence to see that these people are NOT LIKE US.
Now, those 'moderate muslims' we live with - just who are they? Are they going to stand up when their imam shouts 'Death to the Great Satan' and say 'NO!'? Pretty unlikely. And that again is the difference between THEM and US.
Each one of us is an individual, bound together by a set of ideals, the foundation of which is FREEDOM. Freedom from oppression, freedom to assemble peacefully, the freedom to succeed on our own terms and the freedom to give charity to those we feel need help. Negative groupthink only happens in small pockets in western society, and either dies on the vine or is rooted out by the rest of the individuals - who do so to protect themselves and their way of life.
I'd never burn a koran . ... probably. It's just a nasty thing to do.
But I'll defend unconditionally the right of some nasty person to burn one or dozens of 'em. Because it's JUST A BOOK. It upsets me when I see someone burn a Canadian or American flag, because it's an empty, nasty gesture. It burns my ass and makes me want revenge when islamist crash planes and murder thousands of US. It doesn't make me want to kill my neighbors, but it makes me want to eliminate every single one of THEM. For me, it's a simple matter of degrees.
The day islamic ideals of a world wide caliphate threaten our families, football, beer , figure skating and NASCAR - every single muslim better run for cover. Because that crescent symbol will become a target for every free thinking member of the west.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Remembering 9/11

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Islam Rising

Friday, September 3, 2010
Modern Muslim Science
After all, if on one hand they're not producing anything helpful, and at the same time blowing up random bits of civilization, there's not really any trade-off to justify having them around.
Hallmark probably has similar statistics supporting this theory. I'm sure we'll start seeing more scientific papers produced by muslim scholars in the future, right around the same time we start seeing a line of muslim valentine cards.
This also replaces the old argument,
'In the course of the expansion (read: conquest) of the Islamic world, Muslim scholars encountered (read:stole)the science, mathematics, and medicine of antiquity through the works of Aristotle, Archimedes, Galen, Ptolemy, Euclid, and others'
with the question, What have you done for us lately?
Perhaps it is because muslims are such good 'followers' who 'submit'
is what makes them such poor 'leaders' and 'thinkers'.
Thursday, September 2, 2010

No results found for islamologist:
Did you mean eskimologist? def: eskimologist
Es·ki·mol·o·gy [es-kuh-mol-uh-jee]
the study of Eskimo civilization, language, culture, etc.
Origin: Eskimo + -logy
Related forms: Es·ki·mol·o·gist, noun
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Calgary Islamic Mob Boss Syed Sowardy

"Give us money and we won't let them kill you."
Shakedown? Protection Racket? You betcha.
How much money is enough, Syed? How much to guarantee our safety?
Don't you muslims have a word for that, that money you make dhimmi's pay to live in a muslim land? Jizya:
- a per capita tax levied on a section of an Islamic state's non-Muslim citizens
- a material proof of the non-Muslims' acceptance of subjection to the state
Like Tony Soprano said, "I won't pay, I know too much about extortion."
As free people, we don't like being threatened. Hey Syed, there might be a little 'backlash'.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
You know they're lying, their lips are moving.
It's the larger groups and their leaders, like our local Calgary 'Islamic SUPREME Council' idiot leader, Syed Sowardy. Imagine what your city would look like with these hardliners 'large and in charge'. Imagine another 'Calgary Tower' down the street from the first one, with a 10,000 square foot mosque in between 'em.
Scaramouche rips apart their latest 'condemnation of terrorism'
and once again exposes that when they're talking about 'innocent blood' they sure don't mean you and me, kuffar.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Chilling and Rediculous

Wholly chilling is the silence echoing from the mainstream muslim community. Stephen Harper gives them all a pass, stating "these are not the acts of a community." Well, hang on.
The links from the members of this terrorist cell to the mainstream muslim community and charities that finance weapons that are being used against Canadian troops overseas are becoming pretty clear.
The group has issued instructions not to co-operate with the Police investigation, not to speak to the media, and of course, to continue to "make du'a" (pray and donate to the jihad).
For a primer in how terror cells have grown in Canada, and why we should be concerned about what is being preached in our local mosques, read: How terror came home to roost - and - This is our future, both from the Ottawa Citizen.
There is real danger in demissing the absurd, which may be what most of us want to do after watching the rediculous videos of these schmucks. But we do so at our peril.
The Canadian Islamic Congress in their news release seems more concerned for the possible 'backlash' against muslims than they are about Canadians being blown up. Does that sound like a group that's trying to 'fit in' to our culture? Not exactly.
Tarek Fatah profiles these misfits and admits even he has a hard time understanding exactly what their motivation is. Meanwhile, Calgary Herald reader Riazuddin Ahmed rails against 'fear mongering about some unknown agenda' in her letter to the editor on August 11, just before this latest Canadian terror plot was exposed. For those of us paying attention, the agenda is well known. It is the agenda of jihad, triumphalism and a world wide caliphate.
It isn't 'Islamophobia' if they really are trying to kill you.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I am a 'Bacon Extremist'

Greg Gutfeld plans to open 'Suspicious Packages', an Islamic Gay Bar next to the mosque that nobody with a union card will help build. Ohhh, you mecca me hot!
Finally, Dennis Miller weighs in with his plan to solve both the 'where do we build a long skinny mosque' AND the 'not just immigrants, but illegal immigrants' problem.
Me, I'm hoping for a HUGE showing at every protest scheduled at Park 51. Since Islamists have absolutely no sense of humor . ... let's hope they'll understand what they're in for if they continue with their efforts.
Meanwhile, a young lady celebrates her American citizenship by filing suit against the 'Happiest Place on Earth'. Walt must be spinning in his grave . . ....