And a challenge . ....
Well met, Sir!
Provoked by
'Yellow Remark' Morley Walker's article in the Winnipeg Free Press, the following email exchange occurred.
> From: Don Sharpe
> Sent: March-28-10 9:19 AM
> To: Walker,Morley
> Subject: A Love Letter to Morley Walker
> This isn't one.
> You went way past the line with your piece on Ann Coulter.
> Lazy Slanderous Hack, you wrote the worst kind of yellow journalism.
> Ezra the 'lap dog', Steyn the 'amusing fixture', Ann wore 'less clothes than a Playboy bunny' and 'sue her skinny ass' - then referencing Huff-Po's suggestions she "rants stridently about commies and faggots and Jews when she's drunk and hits on her young nieces' boyfriends."
> It wasn't even funny.
Name calling, slights on her physical appearance, false claims of nudity and perverse behavior, this is the worst kind of baseless public accusation a writer for a daily paper can make. Winnipeg residents deserve more honesty and insight than this kind of tabloid smear journalism.
> You are an absolute embarrassment to real journalists, many of whom will be reading your column and my comments shortly. We'll also see just how funny the folks at the WCF think your scribblings are.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Walker,Morley"
Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010 9:24 am
Subject: RE: A Love Letter to Morley Walker
To: Don Sharpe
> Mr. Sharpe:
> Sorry to have offended you, but
I was merely attempting some Ann Coulter-style hyperbole! > If you can't forgive me, I suggest you send your note to letters@freepress.mb.ca. Please include a daytime phone number for verification.
> Nice to hear from a Calgarian. I am Alberta-born and I lived in Calgary from ages 15-20. My mother, sister and brother are still there, plus several high school friends. Calgary is a great place, though I've always thought the political monoculture would get me down.
Winnipeg has a vibrant left and a vibrant right - makes for a livelier conversation. > Regards,
> Morley Walker
Arts columnist/Books editor
Winnipeg Free Press
1355 Mountain Ave.
Winnipeg, MB Canada
R2X 3B6
Phone: 204 697-7307
Fax: 204 697-7412
Email: morley.walker@freepress.mb.ca
From: Don Sharpe
Sent: March-28-10 11:44 AM
To: Walker,Morley
Subject: Re: RE: A Love Letter to Morley Walker
Dear Morley,
Forgive you? Absolutely. You are forgiven, Sir.
As you suggested, part of a spirited discussion between left and right.
Thinking you were placing your arrows on the same target as Ms. Coulter, do you?You've missed the mark entirely, I'd wager you're not even facing the same direction.
Tell you what, I'll make you a deal.Were you aware that 'morley walker' anagrams to 'yellow remark'?
Publish an apology, and that will remain our little secret.
You can trust me, I'm part of a 'political monoculture' that values keeping their word.
Always a pleasure to speak with someone from the 'Stampede City'! I too grew up here, in Chinook Park, and it certainly has changed over the past 50 or so years. If we're ever in the same city together, I'd love to buy you a beer.
Don S
----- Original Message -----
From: "Walker,Morley"
Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010 11:10 am
Subject: RE: RE: A Love Letter to Morley Walker
To: Don Sharpe
Yellow remark? Thank you for pointing that out. It had never occurred to me to anagram my name.
Publish an apology to Anne Coulter?! Only if she files a complaint with the CHRC!----------------------------
----- Original Message -----
From: Don Sharpe
Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010 11:28 am
Subject: Re: RE: RE: A Love Letter to Morley Walker
To: "Walker,Morley"
Well Done! That's the Spirit.
Pistols at Dawn!
Don S-----------------
There you have it. Gauntlet thrown, challenge accepted.